Nuovi servizi Amazon per il Big Data

Il cloud provider si prepara a introdurre nuovi servizi big data per semplificare e ridurre i costi associati alla elaborazione di grandi volumi di dati

Autore: Redazione

Amazon si prepara a introdurre nuovi servizi big data che consentiranno alle aziende di semplificare e ridurre i costi associati alla elaborazione di volumi di dati in costante espansione. Andy Jassy, senior vice president del cloud di Amazon, nell’intervista pubblicata su AllThingsD, ha così commentato: "And I think you’ll see us adding capabilities for companies with large data sets that want to do compute and processing, and then make that data useful. That’s the whole big data thing that everyone is talking about. I think you’ll see us add services there that make it easier and less expensive for customers to do that". Ciò significa che la visione di Amazon rispetto al Big Data prevede nuove iniziative che vanno oltre a quanto già offerto da servizi come Elastic MapReduce for Hadoop, DynamoDB e RedShift. Alla domanda se ritiene che il cloud stia guadagnando la fiducia delle aziende, Hassy risponde affermativamente: “I think receptivity to the cloud is much higher than it was a year ago. If I consider where we were with enterprise and public sector customers on this subject four years ago, it’s like night and day. You see it in the adoption of AWS. And yet it’s still at the relative beginning. There is more comfort with it because customers have seen it operate for more than seven years and there’s some proven operating stability”. E rispetto alla concorrenza, Jassy non ha dubbi, Amazon è anni avanti: When we launched the platform we had so few features, it was nothing like what we offer today. And that’s the challenge our competitors are facing as they enter the market now. They’re now where we were about four or five years ago”.

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